
To buy in Grabaciones Viscerales you have to do the following steps:

  1. Put in the shoping cart the items you want clicking on the cart located on each.
  2. You can change the quantity of each item in the shipping cart page.
  3. Once you have all the items of your choice in the cart, click on button.
  4. You can now identify yourself or enter your personal information in case is the first time you buy.
  5. In the final page you will confirm your order by clicking on the button.
  6. The shipment cost will depend of your geographic location, and will be automatically added by the web store.

Payment & Shipment:

The following payment methods are possible:

  1. Paypal
  2. International bank transfer
Remark in the order the chosen way of payment.
If you chose to pay through Paypal or bank transfer include your name and the order number in the concept.